Upcoming Event - National Alpaca Farm Days

We hope you will mark your calendar for our open farm during the National Alpaca Farm Days on September 28 and 29 at 6701 W. Gillespie Bridge Road from 9:00 am till 3:00 pm each day. There will be alpacas to meet and treat, and of course we'll be around to answer your questions about our animals and their luscious fiber. Cindy Lou Who had a baby this spring, so you'll want to be sure to meet little Albus Dumbledore!

We'll have a kids' tent where the young and young at heart can decorate alpaca ornaments and t-shirts. In addition, this is your chance to get first dibbs on beautiful and functional alpaca products for your fall and holiday shopping at our Best-of-Columbia farm store!

Hope to see you --call us at 573-864-2716 if you need directions! (Note that the GPS services don't always get you to the correct location.)

Events & NewsMary Licklider